

1.    Action Verbs: What the subject is doing

He (subject/pronoun) ran (action verb) to (prepos.) the (adject.) store (object).

She (subj./pron.) lied (action verb) about (prepos.) her (adject.) age (object).


2.    Being Verbs:  What the subject is being (state, not an action); the being verb links the subject to the state, which is often an adjective

Being Verbs:  am; are; is; was; were

I am tired (adjective).

He is tall and blond (2 adjectives).

The car is red (adjective).


·       Verb Phrases:  A main verb and one or more helping verbs (see 36)

Ex:  I may have a cold.

Ex:  I will go after work.


·       Never, Not, Hardly, Seldom: These are not verbs; they modify verbs.

Ex:  I never drink water.  (“never” tells you more about “drink”—when)


·       Compound Verbs: Verbs joined by and or or

Ex: I will either walk to Safeway or go through a drive-through.


·       Verbals:  These are not verbs; they function as other parts of speech

1.            Infinitives:  to + a verb

Ex:  I prefer to drink Pepsi.  I want to have fun.


2.            Gerunds:  Verbs ending in –ing that act like nouns

Ex:  Drinking soda is refreshing, but it isn’t good for you. 


3.            Participles:  Verblike words that end in –ing or –ed

Ex:  Exhausted beyond belief, she sank down onto the sofa.

Ex:  Taking a final drink, he threw the can out the window.