
1.   Has subject and verb

2.   All or part of a sentence


Kinds of Clauses:

1.   Independent (Main): 

·   Complete sentence

·   Stands alone

Example:  He stayed home.


2.   Dependent (Subordinate): 

·   Part of a sentence

·   Has no meaning alone

Example:  Although he had a report due,


a.    Relative/Adjective (A type of dependent clause):  Modifies a noun 

·       Starts with a relative pronoun (“that,” “which,” “who”)

Example:  The man, who was dirty, took a bath.


b.   Adverb clause (A type of dependent clause):  Modifies a verb

Example:  The cat puffed up when it saw its reflection.


c.    Noun clause (A type of dependent clause):  Functions as a noun

Example:  The people took what they were given.