

Error Log: 1A:  This sheet must accompany the final drafts of your essays in your folder


Excellent (1-3 errors per page)    Good (4 errors per page)    Satisfactory (5)    Unsatisfactory (6)    Work on it (7+)


Error & helpful pages in Keys            Diagnostic              Formal Essay One               Midterm              Formal Essay Two

                                            Tally          Total          Tally         Total          Tally          Total          Tally          Total

AD:  Adjective, 421









AP:  Apostrophe, 375 & 450









AR:  Article, 499-504









AV:  Adverb, 421









C:  Conjunction, 359









CO:  Colon, 460









Comp:   Comparative, 426









CS:   Comma Splice, 367









FR:  Fragment, 362









HV:  Helping Verb, 507









MW:  Missing Word









PA:  Pronoun/Antecedent, 415









PaPar:  Past Participle, 550









PL:  Plural, 481









PR:  Preposition, 359









PrPar:  Present Participle, 551









RE:  Rephase, 370









RO:  Run-on, 367









SC:  Semicolon, 459









Sen:  Sent. construction, 513









Sh/P:  Shift in person, 418









Sh/V:  Shift in verb tense, 391









Si:  Singular, only one









SP:  Spelling, 481









Sup:  Superlative, 426









SV:  Subject/Verb, 398









VF:  Verb Form, 378, 509-512









VT:  Verb Tense, 386









WC:  Word Choice









WO:  Word Order









WW:  Wrong Word (look up)









//:  Parallelism, 376