Introductions and Conclusions



·       Attract reader’s interest

·       Identify topic

·       Provide any info your audience needs re: topic

·       State thesis 


Intro options:

Sample thesis:  Your next car should be a hybrid.

·       Relevant facts

·       The status quo

·       Background info

·       Definition of term(s)

·       Questions

·       *Quotation(s)

·       *A shocking statement

·       *An attention-getting scenario


Intro errors:

·       No announcements (In this essay…; after reading…)

·       Don’t state thesis before you have introduced topic


·       Give reader closure

·       Hint at how info is relevant to reader

·       Leave reader thinking


Conclusion options:

·       Conclude with little story related to thesis

·       Invite reader to take action

·       Project into future +/-

·       Tie back to “hook” or attention-getter


Conclusion errors:

·       Restating thesis and main points is formulaic

·       Avoid “In conclusion…; to sum it all up…”

·       No new info