Opinion Types:


Inherited Opinion:  You grew up with it.

(example:  political affiliation)


Involuntary Opinion:  It is ingrained in you via subtle “brainwashing.” (example:  brand names; idea of beauty)


Adaptive Opinion:  You have it because you want to belong to the group that holds it (example:  music; job)


Concealed Opinion:  An opinion you do not voice because it differs from that of your peers (example:  Your peers are against stem cell research, so you are quiet.)


Linked Opinion:  An opinion that is the result of another opinion (Pro-life or Pro-choice and capital punishment)


Considered Opinion:  Carefully arrived at; informed as opposed to emotional; the result of extensive research or personal experience (can be any of the above)


*It is crucial to demonstrate that your opinion is a considered opinion by providing proof and showing consideration of other opinions.

Discussion of Opinions


“Most people don’t change their minds as a function of debate/discussion, so why bother?”


·       You learn more about the topic, which can change an emotional opinion to a considered one.


·       You understand where the other side is coming from, which can have several effects:


1.  Devillainization”:  The other side seems less evil.


2.  Inside information:  You know the other side’s hot points and triggers; you can use common ground to your benefit; you can anticipate their responses and have counter-responses ready.


Be Open:  Even if your opinion is a considered opinion, you may still learn something about the topic.


Be Willing:  Share your thoughts so as to create greater understanding of the topic for everyone.  Awesome written responses only benefit me. 


Be Kind:  People have concealed opinions because they are afraid of risking disapproval/animosity.  However, they don’t change their opinions; they simply hide them.