Control of Your Paper


Don’t just do research & present your findings.  Your reader could have done this.  The reader is interested in YOUR take on the topic.  USE the research to support you!


1.  Clear thesis/claim that is YOURS


2.  Main points that are YOURS


3.  Development that is mainly your writing: 

--Every ¶ should start & end with your words:

v Identify the main point in your topic sentence. 

v Explain your point.

v Use your facts to support your topic sentence. 

v So What?”:  Add your own reflection/analysis


4.  Use your source to support YOUR point, not to make it.  Never use a quote to restate a point:


No:  Rispin notes that finding help is hard for men with eating disorders:  “[M]en suffering from an eating disorder may find it hard to find help” (57).


Fix:  Rispin notes that it is difficult for men with eating disorders to get support:  “Many colleges house most of their body image resources in women’s resource centers…” (57).


5.  Don’t let sources take over your paper. 

(No more than 1-2 quotes/paraphrases per ¶.)


6.  Don’t string quotes together.     

Control of Your Sources:


1.  Do not “dump” quotes.  A sentence should never begin and end with quotes.


2.  Paraphrase when possible.  Quote only if the words are from a well-known authority or are particularly striking. 


3.  Cite sources for both paraphrases & quotes.