

A paragraph contains three parts:

1.  Topic sentence:  Topic and your main idea

2.  Supporting sentences

3.  A concluding sentence


1.  Topic Sentence: 

·       Topic + Controlling Idea (Your main idea)

·       Is not too broad, narrow or vague

·       Tells the reader what to think, know, or do


2.  Supporting Sentences:  Provide support for your topic sentence:

·       Narrate: A short “story” that illustrates your main idea

·       Describe: Sensory details to illustrate your main idea

·       Explain: Examples, compare/contrast, show cause/effect

·       Argue: Reasons why reader should agree with main idea 


3.  Concluding Sentence:  Could do any of the following:

·       Remind the reader of your overall main idea

·       Tell the reader what to do with this new information

·       Make the reader think about what you have said (apply message to him/herself)