Paragraph to Essay


*Essay allows for more development.  The basic elements are the same:


Topic sentence:

·       Becomes your thesis statement 

·       Comes at the end of your intro paragraph after a transition



I.  Intro

          A.  Summary of the reading ("Hip–hop")

          B.  Thesis Statement:  [While I understand F.A.B.'s concerns regarding sideshows and his desire to stage them in a safer place,] *I do not think that this idea would remedy the problem.

[ ]=Transition

*=Controlling idea


Supporting sentences:

·       Become topic sentences for paragraphs 

·       Each idea gets its own paragraph



II.  Body

          A.  Topic sentence:  identify point (No adrenaline rush)

                   1.  Develop with support

B.  Topic sentence:  identify point (Not open to everyone)

                   1.  Develop with support

C.  Topic sentence:  identify point (No drugs/alcohol)

                   1.  Develop with support


Concluding sentence:  Becomes a concluding ¶ that wraps up the essay, doesn't introduce new information, and leaves the reader thinking.