
·       Line:  Group of words from the left margin to the right, regardless of whether the sentence continues to the next line.  These are often numbered.


·       Stanza:  Group of lines; set off in some way to indicate this (space or specific part of rhyme pattern) (Ex:  754)

v  Tercet:  Group of three lines (754)

v  Quatrain:  Group of four lines (771)

v   Sestet:  Group of six lines (754)

v  Octave:  Group of eight lines (754)

v  Couplet:  2 consecutive lines that rhyme (754)


Rhyme Scheme:  Pattern of rhymes from line to line: 

“A” for 1st  rhyme set, “B” for 2nd  rhyme set...  “X” for lines that do not fit the rhyme scheme.  (754; Do: 771)


Line Breaks:


·       Endstopp(ed/ing): Meaning of a line comes to a definite end (771).  End Stops:  . ; :

·       Enjamb(ed/ment):  Meaning continues to the next line.  Punctuated with a comma or nothing (759)


In your responses, in order to indicate a line break, put a space followed by a backslash followed by another space:


“A poem should be palpable and mute / As a globed fruit / Dumb / As old medallions to the thumb” (MacLeish 1-3).


Poem citations include line numbers, not page numbers.