Diction:  Language/Word choice


Double meanings:

 “The Road Not Taken,” 1011 (Hence)

“The Man He Killed”, 890 (Quaint)

“Cory,” 782 (Imperially slim; Quietly arrayed)


Impact re: theme: 

“Those Winter Sundays,” 1015:  cold; cracked; breaking; angers; indifferently; austere; lonely


*Can be to rhyme, fit the meter, or use alliteration



Syntax:  Word order; how the words are arranged on the page and within the lines


Can visually enhance the poem:

“Constantly Risking Absurdity,” 757


Can emphasize certain parts of a poem:

 “Man He Killed,” 890: Although; Dashes (Stz. 3/4)


Can be to rhyme or fit meter:

 “The Road Not Taken,” 1011:

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood (2–3)