Point of View


The author’s choice of narrator OR

The person through whose eyes the story is told (not always the protagonist)


v    “Samuel”: Men; Woman who warned the boys

v    “Salvation”: Langston

v    Désirée’s”:  Désirée

v    “Lesson”:  Sylvia

v    “Jury”:  Martha Hale


Third Person (“S/he, they”):

1.               Omniscient: Knows what all characters are thinking

2.              Limited Omniscient: Knows thoughts of 1 or 2 characters

(“Samuel,” 4; “Jury,” 172)

3.              Objective: Cannot see deeply into anyone’s mind.

Dialogue & action must reveal all.  (Désirée’s)


First Person: “Salvation”; “Lesson”

1.  Major Character: Involved (“I”)

2.  Minor Character: A watcher (“s/he”)

3.  Reliable:  Sane, truthful

4.  Unreliable:  Lying, mentally unstable, unaware of the truth...