Run-ons and Comma Splices


A Run–On or Comma Splice is formed when 2 independent clauses are punctuated as if they only create 1 sentence.


Correct:  The murderer was caught.  He had blood on his shoe.


Run-On:  2+ independent clauses with nothing in between. 


The murderer was caught he had blood on his shoe.


Comma Splice:  2+ independent clauses separated by a comma.


The murderer was caught, he had blood on his shoe.


*A comma is not strong enough punctuation between two ICs!



Fixing Run-ons/Comma Splices



1.  , coordinating conjunction

2.  subordinating conjunction

3.  ; lowercase

4.  . Capital









Independ. Cl                                        Independ. Cl.






1.  Coordinating Conjunctions:  For/And/Nor/But/Or/Yet/So


2.  Subordinating conjunctions: (None of the FANBOYS) 

Before, after, while, until, when, because, since, whether, unless, if, etc.  (More are listed in your textbook:  438.)


1.  I borrowed his car I got in an accident he didn't mind.


2.  I borrowed his car I got in an accident he didn't mind.


3.  I borrowed his car I got in an accident he didn't mind. 


4.  I borrowed his car I got in an accident he didn't mind.