Summary:  Composition Page


How To:

·       Identify author (full name)

·       Identify title (in quotation marks)

·       Identify main idea (in your own words)

*The above three should all appear in one sentence.

·       Identify the supporting points (in your own words)

*In referring to the author’s supporting points, use author tags

so your reader knows that the ideas are not yours

(Says Davis; she also mentions; the author further asserts)

·       Cite page number in parentheses after the final period



·       Respect the author’s original order

·       Change the original wording and sentence structure without changing the idea

·       Do not give an opinion, use “I,” or add ideas or examples

·       If you use any of the author’s words, the rule is as follows:  1.  For three words or more, put them in quotes

        2.  For striking language, put it in quotes