Tenses and Literature


Present Tense: 

·             Action in Literature:

Ex:  Mrs. Mallard is described as having a heart condition in the exposition.

Ex:  We learn of her initial unwillingness to accept the joy that is creeping toward her:  “[S]he [waits] for it, fearfully. [. . .] [S]he [strives] to beat it back against her will [. . .]” (Chopin 119).

·                   The act/product of writing

Ex:  In “Story,” Kate Chopin suggests that the mutual obligations inherent in relationships may cause the participants to prefer the freedom of loneliness.


Past Tense:

·                   Mention of things that happened before the story started

Ex:  Louise Mallard admits that there were times that she had loved her husband; however, more frequently, she had not.  Now, she is excited by the prospect of a life all her own.

·                   Reference to the actual life of the author

Ex:  Chopin did not enjoy recognition during her life.  Only after she died did people appreciate her work.