Thesis Statements


Thesis:  Final sentence in the intro ¶

·       Claim/statement of opinion re: a specific topic

·       Directed toward an identifiable audience

·       Tells the reader what to know, think, or do


Example:  Santa Clara County voters should vote “No” on Proposition 14 due to the financial hardship it will cause.



Characteristics of an effective thesis:


·       Not too broad, too vague, or too narrow

Broad:  We need to bring the troops home.

Vague:  Pro-lifers have an interesting stance.

Narrow:  Eng. 1A is a graduation requirement.


·       Strong; assertive; sure  (State as a fact; no “I”)


·       Claim rather than fact


·       General enough to invite development:  Reasons or ways or examples


·       Purposeful:  Reader doesn’t know/think/do


·       Directed to a narrowed target audience