Work Quoted in Your Source:  159-160

How to incorporate a quote your source quoted


·       Cite YOUR source but put “qtd. in” before it

·       Lend credibility to the speaker if appropriate



Author:  Joe Smith

Page:  12

Person Quoted:  Liam Manson, psychologist


Original:  Liam Manson also discusses the dynamics of inter-family sexual abuse, saying, “Children are less likely to report sexual abuse if the perpetrator is a person who is close to them.”


Indirect Quote:  According to psychologist Liam Manson, “Children are less likely to report sexual abuse if the perpetrator is a person who is close to them” (qtd. in Smith 12).


*Your parenthetical citation has to lead the reader to your source on the Works Cited page.  Your source is Smith, and if you put Manson, you will be leading the reader to an nonexistent source. 


Do it:  Page 174, ¶5, Estrich’s comment on lines 2-4


Says legal theorist Susan Estrich regarding the social expectation that mothers be the primary caretakers of their children, “Waiting for the connection between gender and parenting to be broken is like waiting for Godot” (qtd. in Pinker 174).