are words or phrases that lead your reader from one idea to the next”
(McWhorter 138).
using transitional terms, you can help your readers move easily from one idea
to another” (Lee 32).
transition provides the same function in a paragraph that the clutch does in a
car with a stick shift. Putting in a
transition between ideas is like putting in the clutch before shifting to a new
gear. If you do not put in the clutch
before shifting, your kidneys will come out your nose. Likewise, if you do not provide transitions,
your reader is in for a very uncomfortable ride/read.
is reader-friendly to use transitions in order make your paragraphs “flow.”
in the book which list transitions (you may want to mark these with
post-its): 32; 110; 179
Common Transitions:
in a series: first, second, then, next, another,
furthermore, soon, later, at that/this point, after, as well as, finally
Illustration: for instance, for example, moreover
or cause: consequently, therefore, so, hence, thus,
because of this, then, as a result
Restatement: in other words, that is, in simpler terms,
viewpoint: but, however, on the contrary, nevertheless,
neither, nor, on the one/other hand, still, yet