Go sentence by sentence
Restate author’s ideas
in your own words
Use your own sentence
structure; you may combine two of the author’s sentences into a single sentence
If you borrow language,
put it in quotes! (3+ rule)
Do not include your thoughts
Give author or first
word of WC and page in parentheses
Comarow, Avery. “Dark side of
the moon landing.”
Paraphrase of paragraph
In Avery Comarow’s article “Dark
side of the moon landing,” he notes the four things that people who challenge
the validity of the moon landing usually cite as reasons for their disbelief: 1) There are no stars in any of the
photographs taken by the astronauts; 2) The flag is shown to be waving, but
there is no air on the surface of the moon; 3) There is no evidence of a crater
left by the space module, even though common sense dictates that there would
have been one; and finally, 4) the lunar excursion module’s legs are depicted
to be casting shadows in many directions, even though light was only coming
from one direction—the sun (Comarow 78).
Boil down to main idea(s)
State in your own words
Present material in the
order the author did
Do not include your thoughts
Give author or first
word of WC and page in parentheses
Comarow, Avery. “Dark side of
the moon landing.”
Summary of paragraph 1:
In David Comarow’s article entitled
“Dark side of the moon landing,” he identifies the four pieces of evidence usually
cited by those who believe that the moon landing was a hoax (Comarow 78). (Reduced to the main idea)